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MMMMsyndiTrackTM, our Multiple Myeloma syndicated study includes all recent advances in multiple myeloma treatment with over 17 years track record. Protease inhibitors, immunomodulating agents, and monoclonal antibodies have given patients more options than ever before and enhanced quality of life. Despite these advances, treatment for relapsed/refractory (R/R) multiple myeloma patients continues to be a pressing need. The emergence of chimeric antigen receptor Tcell (CAR-T) therapy, and more recently, bispecific antibodies in multiple myeloma, promises a new wave of innovation and treatment for patients.

Capitalizing on our unique expertise in patient chart-based research we have designed, with input from our clients, a syndicated offering based on real world data to monitor the impact of the new treatments on MM management.

Example of recent release (contact us for even more recent data):

  • in FR, DE, IT, ES, UK, US, JP
  • 434 Onco-Hematologists including 78 from authorized CAR-T centers
  • 4,779 real world patient charts
    • 849 L1 non SCT
    • 334 L1 prior SCT
    • 356 L1 post SCT
    • 1,195 L2
    • 894 L3
    • 742 L4
    • 409 L5+

More information about our MM syndicated study?

  • Objectives
  • Benefits
  • Samples
  • Scope
  • Types of data collected
  • Dates of research waves

Fill in the form and we will be in touch shortly. 👉


Go further with the data and discover an example of a Digital & Interactive Dashboard (DID) created by APLUSA

We take here the example of a patient share tracker in Cancer X syndiTrackTM.
The dashboard is built around 6 variables: the country, the treatment start date, the treatment line, the product or regimen, risk factors and market share.

In total, there are many advantages of using this DID:
- your data is available online and can be easily shared within your organization,
- you can create your own views instead of manipulating a large number of powerpoint slides,
- you always have the latest data available, no update problems,
- the data is available on your dashboard much earlier in the data collection,
- the report will be more focused on key insights and storytelling than on data production.

👇 Test our live demo here! 👇