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Healthcare market research is working in an increasingly global and competitive context.

As a leading healthcare market research agency, APLUSA has extensive experience researching diseases within hemato-oncology.

thumbnail_Mockup Ebook AplusA DLBCL 2020 EN

This eBook shares insights from our US and top-5 European Union (EU5) syndicated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) market tracker. It provides a comprehensive market overview for marketers or market researchers working in this area. It includes:

DLBCL market overview

  • What regimens do hem/ons use to treat DLBCL?
  • Are any brands used off-label to treat the disease?
  • What companies market each brand?
  • Are generic or biosimilars available?
  • Where is usage increasing?
  • How aware are hem/oncs of various brands?

Treatment performance

  • What attributes govern choice?
  • What are the current barand and regimen shares in each line of therapy?
  • Are SCT or radiation important?
  • Are there treatment differences in SCT-eligible vs ineligible patients?
  • Is DLBCL maintenance therapy common?
  • How are regimens sequenced?
  • Are there common treatment durations?

Patient insights

  • Are there DLBCL variants
  • What is profile of DLBCL patients by line of therapy?
  • When were patients diagnosed?
  • How many were refactory?
  • How does the profile of SCT eligible vs ineligible patients differ?

PLUS patient journey insights from our additional social media intelligence research.