Your new resource platform that we are developing to inspire the best in healthcare marketing research.
Our experts will provide you with inspiring and educational content on how to conduct market research, best practices, tips, examples or research results that open up leads for better future research!
Available APLUSAcademy contents:
How Do Prescribers Answer Percentage Allocation Questions in Demand Studies?
Demand studies have a reputation for poor accuracy because one of the main errors in demand studies is use of the percentage allocation format.
This presentation will tell you why, with first-hand testimonies from physicians explaining how they typically answer these questions, and an analysis of how to improve the accuracy of demand studies using patient scenarios.
The relentless pursuit of accurate demand forecasts, by Steve Bell
Do you believe what I say or what I do? Find out how we can improve the accuracy of demand forecasts. Hear the very interesting presentation Steve Bell gave at the Pharmaceutical Market Research Conference 2022!
- See from the illustrative example of a recent 2022 demand study how various methods compare
- the global allocation methods (“What I say”), including example with conjoint and product attribute variations.
- the patient scenarios method (“What I do”)
- See how methods work and how the data are analyzed
- Find out the advantages of patient scenarios if you are looking for reliability, precision and insights.
- Discover how a market simulator work, taking into consideration attributes from HCPs, patients and new product.
- click to get the pdf version.
Do you want to know more? Click the button below to get access to the video and an extra documentation!
Find out what bats, NFTs and the British Royal family have to do with healthcare market research. Watch the fun and informative presentation that Steve and Karen gave about our exclusive new approach to segmentation.
Access the contents to watch the full video of our presentation titled: Evolving Beyond Patient Personas: Getting Real with Patient Archetypes.
Discover and get even more real with our extra companion document providing a more technical exposition of our presentation: it will drive you deeper into the technical aspects of getting real with patient archetypes, including actual examples taken from a real-world patient chart study with 734 patients record forms.
Segmentation studies are expensive to execute and challenging to implement. Improve your ROI with an innovative solution, easier to use for your sales reps.
A standard deliverable from segmentation studies is a segment classification typing tool. However, it is often a challenge to get sales reps to use segmentation typing tools because of the requirement for all of the typing tool questions to be asked and answered.
We present Bayesian Typing Tools as an innovative solution to that problem. Bayesian Typing Tools produce segment predictions even if answers to some of the typing tool questions are not available. Bayesian Typing Tools are much easier for sales reps to use and make it much more likely that segmentation study results will actually be implemented by sales reps.
In this video the following points are presented and discussed by Steve Bell, AplusA's Chief Methodologist, including a live demo of standard and Bayesian typing tools in action:
- Role and importance of Segmentation Typing Tools
- How Segmentation Typing Tools conventionally work
- Rationale for Bayesian Typing Tools
- How a Bayesian Typing Tool works
- Summary and future directions
This session was originally presented at the Sawtooth Software European Conference in September 2020, By Steve Bell.
The question is to identify whether multiple underlying dimensions can be found to what is usually called the “importance” of attributes.
2 ways of measuring attribute importance are used in this presentation:
- First using pair comparison (“which of these 2 attributes is more important for your choice”)
- Then a MaxDiff exercise (“of these 5 attributes, which one is the most important, which is the least important”)
Steve reveals 2 dimensions of “importance” from an extensive set of data: based on an actual real-world survey conducted with 750 physicians and providing almost 14,000 pair comparisons from 18 rated attributes.
So through this presentation, you will get some tips on:
- How to write product attributes that allow fair comparisons
- What to do with attributes overlapping
- What is the effect of considering 2 possible dimensions: impact, and scope– or generality- of attributes?
- How to consider the difference in scope of attributes to draw the analysis, when one attribute is possibly a part of another
- How to possibly filter out the noise from differences in scopes of attributes
- How to calculate and present dissimilarity from pair comparisons
- How to apply multidimensional scaling (MDS) to the data
- How well can choice modeling interpretation predict pair comparison choices?
- How to draw a distance-based choice model (DBCM)
Finally, comparing the maps obtained through Multidimensional scaling vs. distance-based choice modeling and their relative performances to predict pairwise choices, Steve describes ways to estimate product attribute ratings even when the attributes have very different levels of scope (or generality).
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APLUSA | Who we are
APLUSA is one of the world’s leading independent market research companies dedicated specifically to healthcare.
Patients Charts by APLUSA
Real-World Data (RWD) collected using anonymized patient charts is often augmented with stated reasons that explain individual treatment decisions.
Augmented Insights by APLUSA
APLUSA’s longstanding expertise in market research through global, real-world data collection is enhanced by a growing range of augmented insights solutions.